May 1, 2011

When would I need a doula?

The knowledge, comfort measures, and emotional support a doula provides during labor, delivery, and immediately after are valuable for any woman in any situation. Here are some examples when a doula could be helpful:
• You desire an unmedicated birth and want someone there who can help you with breathing techniques, positions to help labor progress, and verbal encouragement.
• You have a cesarean section. Your partner is with you during delivery and goes with the baby once he/she is born. A doula can stay with you during post-surgery procedures so you’re not alone after the birth.
• This is your first birth and you’re not sure what to expect. A doula can be there for you and help you stay calm and confident.
• You’re experiencing intense back labor. Your doula knows comfort measures to help reduce the pain and move labor along.
• You ask for an epidural but it’s taking some time for the anesthesiologist to arrive. A doula can help you cope with contractions until he/she comes.
• You’ve received an epidural but it’s only working on one side. Your doula can help you work through labor and move your body to make it most comfortable and manageable for you.
• You have an epidural and your partner is very tired. You’re too excited to sleep. A doula can give your partner a much needed break by staying awake with you and keeping you company while he sleeps.
• You are offered different interventions at the hospital but aren’t familiar with the pros and cons of those decisions. A doula can explain those things to you and be fully supportive in whatever you choose.
• You would like help establishing breastfeeding soon after birth. A doula is trained to help you achieve this goal.

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